My wife recently informed me that Peanut had to have a Boppy. I mean absolutely unequivocally had to have a Boppy right now. My obvious response was, “I’m watching TV.” After being glared at my second reply was, “What’s a Boppy?” Really, that’s a pretty goofy name. She went on to inform me over the next twenty minutes all about Boppys, thus ruining my show and giving me a headache.
It turns out that Boppys are horseshoe shaped pillows with removable covers (called slipcovers). You have the option of buying the Bare Naked (sic, visit their website) Pillow version. Or you can buy a pillow w/slipcase set. Either way you can then proceed to purchase alternate pattern slipcovers.
Upon learning this I was dumbfounded. I thought to myself, “My God this could cost a fortune.” There were images in my head of my wife coming home with bags literally stuffed with pretty slipcases for every occasion. The covers are reasonably priced, but ten of anything quickly sends reason to the chopping block.
I thought if I just said no that would be the end of this (as if I have any authority). I quickly put that nonsense out of my head and decided I ought to be paying attention. We agreed that she could buy one preferably the set (since that is usually the better deal as it is in this case). If however, they had a slipcover she really liked she could buy them separately.
This is my third baby and I think I’ve gotten used to the weird stuff women buy or babies. Some pretty crazy things have come home in the last ten years. For thirty bucks my wife would be happy and we’d have another thingamajig gathering dust in the corner, or on a shelf taking up much needed space. Whatever, she would be happy. Boy was I wrong. Peanut’s Boppy is fantastic.
The basic purpose of a Boppy is to allow baby to be propped up instead of lying on her back. Babies love this. Peanut really loves this function. We’ve had our pillow over a month now. Everyday I settle her into her Boppy to play with her hanging play sets. The elevation allows her to more easily reach the baubles hanging from the playset’s frame. Despite being unable to sit up herself she can now, while elevated, comfortably reach, hold, and pull on her toys. It has made the play sets a much more enjoyable experience for her.
Another function they push at you is to put your baby on her tummy on the pillow. She can roll over by herself now but lacks the strength and coordination to crawl. When on her tummy on the pillow the heightened level of sight is great. She loves looking around, especially at the dog when it strolls by.
She also likes to use her feet to push her head over the top of the pillow and view the world upside down. She doesn’t seem to hurt her neck. I cannot fathom why she enjoys looking at things upside down though.
Another use is to put it on your lap, put baby and top of it, and feed her. I’ve noticed that after she eats and burps if I rest her on the pillow she tends to spit up less (advertised right on the packaging and surprisingly true). You can also use it to rest your laptop on (not a recommended use and don’t let your wife catch you).
Once your baby can sit up, which mine can’t, the Boppy acts as a buffer to both help them stay up and provide a softer landing when they topple over.
Once your baby can sit up, which mine can’t, the Boppy acts as a buffer to both help them stay up and provide a softer landing when they topple over.
We also use it to play peek-a-boo. Put your baby on her back with her head in the center of the pillow. Get down on the floor and peek up over the top at her and go, “Boo.” Repeat. Some days this drives her wild. Other days she looks at me as if I’m insane. Be warned, your other kids will snicker at you if they catch you doing this.
If your girlfriend, wife, sister, etc. is going to have a baby get them one of these. Next time your wife has to go to a baby shower check the registry, if there is one. If there is a Boppy on it get it. If there isn’t a Boppy on the list get one anyway, and a smaller selection from the approved list, assuming your not strapped for cash. This gift will go over really well.
If your girlfriend, wife, sister, etc. is going to have a baby get them one of these. Next time your wife has to go to a baby shower check the registry, if there is one. If there is a Boppy on it get it. If there isn’t a Boppy on the list get one anyway, and a smaller selection from the approved list, assuming your not strapped for cash. This gift will go over really well.
Make sure she brings the receipt. If someone else gives the soon-to-be mother a Boppy tell your wife to have her return it and get some extra slipcovers. This will meet with universal agreement. Your wife may not admit it was you who suggested the idea at the party but I guarantee she’ll thank you in her own way.
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